Terminology of the Ronin Dragon Karate System
Dojo (道場) - A Place of study or learning (school), pronounced "doh-joh"
Karate do (空手道) - The way of empty hand, pronounced "kah-rah-tay" "d-oh"
Bow/ Rei (礼) - A respectful motion to show humility and loyalty, pronounced "ray"
Creed - A formal statement of shared beliefs
Dentō (伝統) - Tradition, pronounced "den-toe"
Meiyo (名誉) - Honor, pronounced "may-oh"
Sonkei (尊敬) - Respect, pronounced "sohn-kay"
Kiritsu (規律) - Discipline, pronounced "key-ree-tsoo"
Yūki (勇気) - Courage, pronounced "yoo-key"
Seigō-sei (整合性) - Integrity, pronounced "say-go-say"
Gi (着) - Student uniform, pronounced "gee"
Obi (帯) - Karate Belt, pronounced "oh-bee"
Kata (型) - A specific set of movements formed into a routine, pronounced "Kah-ta"
Mawatte (回って) - Turn around, pronounced "mah-wah-tay"
Techniques - Traditional self defense movements with grab arts, locks, traps, throws, or even strikes
Sparring/ Kumite (組手) - Sparring is a controlled fight with safety gear, pronounced "ku-meh-tay"
Bunkai (分解) - application of kata techniques, pronounced "boon-keye"
Weapons - Weapons are performed as katas. Students will learn how to maneuver their weapons & know how to use it in combat.
Kiay/ Kiai (気合) - Yelling expression with strength, pronounced "Key-eye"
Shuto- Uke (手刀受) - knife- hand block, pronounced "shoe-toe oo-kay"
Shugo (集合) - Line Up, pronounced "shoe-go"
Yosh/ Yoi (用意) - Ready Position/ Attention, pronounced "y-oh-shh"
Hajime (始め) - Begin, pronounced "Ha-g-may"
Yame (止め) - stop, pronounced "ya-may"
Ichi (一) - One, pronounced "ea- chee"
Ni (二) - Two, pronounced "nee"
San (三) - Three, pronouced "sahn"
Shi (四) - Four, pronounced "she"
Go (五) - Five, pronounced "g-oh"
Roku (六) - Six, prounounced "roh- koo"
Shichi (七) - Seven, pronounced "she- chee"
Hachi (八) - Eight, pronounced "ha- tchee"
Kyū/Ku (九) - Nine, pronounced "k- oo"
Jū (十) - Ten, pronounced "j-oo"
Osu (雄) - Expression of respect, pronounced "oh-sss"
Seiza (正座) - Kneeling posture (kneel down, kneel up), pronounced "say- zah"
Dan (段) - Degree of rank, pronounced "dahn"
Sempai (先輩) - Senior Student Lead black belt in training, pronounced "sehm- pie"
Sensei (先生) - Teacher, pronounced "sehn- say"
Renshi (錬士) - Polished Instructor and Senior Teacher, pronounced "ren-shee"
Shihan (師範) - Master instructor of the Dojo and a Teacher of Teachers
(Highest Rank in Ronin Dragon System), pronounced "shee- hahn"